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Warranty terms

Warranty registration

If you choose to become a registered member/user/customer of, you must provide us with your name, contact number, e-mail address etc. This information has been collected on the registration form for several reasons which are following:

To avail warranty benefits, it has to be registered with the company.

Warranty is valid only on purchases made from or company Authorized sellers (Authorized by Sheela Foam Ltd.) on Amazon(website/app) or Noon (website/app)

If purchased from, warranty will be automatically registered on delivery of the mattress.

If purchased from company Authorized sellers (Authorized by Sheela Foam Ltd.) on Amazon(website/app) or Noon (website/app), warranty has to be registered within 30 days by the Customer on by providing the requisite information.

The information provided by the customer on the warranty registration URL must be accurate in order to claim the warranty.

The duration of the warranty is product and model specific. The duration mentioned on respective product pages on or of company Authorized sellers on Amazon (website/app), Noon (website/app) at the time of purchase will be applicable.

To obtain a warranty claim, the customer will need to provide the invoice.

Your online e-Warranty card (doesn’t require signature) and the relevant cash memo must be preserved and has to be produced along with the mattress in case of a complaint.

Please email on to register your complaint.

Warranty does not cover the following:

Warranty Is limited to sagging, crumbling and natural disintegration of only the mattress core and does not include damage of accessories and fabric such as tears, stains, color fading bleeding, soil, burns, pilling and bobbins on usage.

Warranty does not cover depression of less than 15 mm for mattress up to thickness of 125 mm or 37 mm for mattress above 125 mm for mattress under normal conditions of domestic use.

Warranty is NOT valid if the original configuration of the product is changed.

Warranty is valid only if proper care of the mattress is taken as per the use and care directions given herewith.

Damages not specifically listed herein will not qualify for warranty benefits.

The company’s decision will be final on the nature of the defects and applicability of the warranty.

Warranty settlement value (WSV)

All valid complaints under the applicable terms of warranty will be settled directly by the Company

No offers or schemes will be applicable on warranty settlement i.e. replacement or up-gradation.

The company will replace the defective mattress with a new Sleepwell mattress of the same size, same model and size as was purchased earlier. No offer or scheme will be applicable.

In case the earlier product has been discontinued/ upgraded, you can upgrade the product by paying the differential directly to the company.

In case where the customer is unable to present the invoice, the Company at its discretion can accept redressal and shall take its Retail Price less than 10% as the value for Pro-rata calculation. MRP will be as applicable on Consumer’s purchase date.

The customer has the choice of either buying the same model or upgrading to a higher model of Sleepwell, by paying the difference over the WSV. No Offer/Scheme shall be applicable.

Sleepwell mattress

Warranty settlement value (WSV)

All valid complaints under the applicable terms of warranty will be settled directly by the Company.

No offers or schemes will be applicable on warranty settlement i.e. replacement or up-gradation.

Sleepwell mattress

What to expect from your mattress/use and care?

At first your new mattress may feel a little different to the mattress you have been sleeping on and sometimes your body will tell you so. Your body will soon adjust to the benefit. of your new mattress while your mattress also adjust to your sleeping style. This may take several weeks and lead to differential softening.

Body impressions are expected within a period of time. The more plush or thicker your mattress, the more comfort layers It will contain. It is a requirement that you rotate your mattress every 2 weeks for the first 4 months and every 3 months thereafter, using all surfaces of the mattress to assist in settling the comfort layers evenly, except those mattresses which have directional instructions, like head and feet direction.

Body impressions of 15 mm for mattress up to thickness of 125 mm or 37 mm for mattress above 125 mm are not considered a manufacturing fault and are a normal part of wearing in your mattress. Flexible Polyurethane Foam does soften with normal use and this has no bearing on its performance.

Ensure that the length & width of the bed matches with the mattress to ensure a proper fit and to avoid damaging your mattress.

A base that is not supportive or resists air circulation may damage your mattress and VOID your warranty. If you have a slat base or slatted bed frame, please confirm that the slats are supported in the middle of the bed with a center support leg or substantial support beam. Do not lay the mattress on an uneven bed surface and do not keep any items below your mattress.

In case of storage beds, we recommend that you remove the mattress before opening the storage space, as it can have a roll together effect on your mattress and damage the mattress. This is not considered a fault with the mattress.

Avoid sitting on the edges of the mattress and avoid prolonged habitual sitting on the same part of the mattress while watching television etc. for a longer durability of your mattress.

We recommend that you use a Sleepwell mattress protector to protect your mattress from moisture seepage, liquid spills, spots etc.

Avoid exposure to excessive moisture/humidity, temperature or other extreme environmental conditions.

Before you remove polythene packaging as it Is meant only for protection during the transit.

We suggest using a liquid resistant sheet, when infants and young children are using the mattress.

Bending, folding, dragging standing or jumping on the mattress can damage your mattress.

Your mattress has been specially packed for transit safety and It may take 2-3 days for the length and width to settle down to its actual size, after it has been taken out of its tight packaging.

Dimensional Tolerance: Tolerance for Sleepwell mattresses: Length or Width. +/-12mm.

Please consider this information as what is recommended, if you have any further queries please contact our service team who can answer any of your questions.





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